Success Story
“Congratulations on your therapy accomplishments, Ms. Kennerly!”

We would like to celebrate the success of Ms. Shirley Kennerly at Jolley Acres Healthcare! Ms. Kennerly was living with family but taking care of most things by herself. She began showing unusual confusion, so she was taken to the ER and diagnosed with a serious kidney injury. This caused her to spend 10 days in the hospital and by the time she arrived at Jolley Acres, was completely dependent.
Although the worst part was over, she still had more challenges to face. While she was here, she experienced some setbacks that affected her progress. Despite that, she always showed incredible resilience and motivation to improve. She was able to walk out of the facility and the last thing she said to her therapist was “you’ve opened my eyes and I have a new appreciation for rehab. I fell in love here, thank you so much for being here”.